Previous Journeys
A link to a chart of the 2007 to 2013 'Exchanges' has been added to the journeys page.
Club Information
Contacting Club Members: In order to maintain security for club members, we do not post personal email addresses on the site, instead we use generic email addresses e.g.
To reach others in the club such as Journey Coordinators, Board Directors, those holding club supplies, and the like, members should use the contact information from the Membership Lists sent out periodically to all members via e-mail attachment.
Contacting the Web Manger: To add material to the website in an orderly fashion, contributions are to be directed through the President. Material sent directly to the Web Manager will not be accepted.
Journey Coordinators and Treasurers can find a wealth of helpful information in the Journey Tool Box.
Current Board 2023/2024
President Joan Kinnie
VP Membership Vacant
VP Journeys Julie Breeze
Secretary Vivien Runnels
Treasurer Colin Leech
Director at Large Pierrette Benoit
Director at Large Valerie Wright
FFO Non-Board Club Support
Past President Lynda Heffernen, ex officio
Web Manager Richard Hatherill
FFO Facebook Manager Pierrette Benoit
Media and AV Equipment Colin Leech
Archives Alain Dawson
Assets Open position
Editor, Capital Connections Joanne Curran
Coordinators of Social Activities
Art Appreciation Janet Wilkinson
Dinner Club Claire Fortin
The Friendly Wanderers Joanne Curran
Solo Group Shayla Mindell
Hiking Julie Breeze